About Coaching

Some of the most successful ministry leaders have experienced tremendous benefits from coaching. Results have included increased productivity, clarity in calling, higher competence in pastoral leadership, and the development of more effective ministry vision. YOU will define the agenda. YOUR results will vary depending on how long we work together and what actions YOU take. 

Our responsibility is to provide content, insight, tools, wisdom, framework, ideas, spiritual encouragement, and feedback. YOUR responsibility is to move from awareness to action and accountability. Our coaching provides many structures for you to meet your individual and ministerial goals, including, but not limited to:

  • Adding an objective and supportive third party to your leadership team
  • Increasing accountability of your personal and ministry goals
  • Improving specific skills related to your role as both a minister and a leader. Such as managerial skills, communication, conflict resolution, time management, productivity, and effectiveness
  • Sharing best practices from other ministries that have done similar work
  • Reviewing strategic decisions related to ministry operations
  • Being a sounding board
  • Preventing problems, thereby avoiding expensive, time consuming or embarrassing actions
  • Supporting your growth past your limiting beliefs
  • Relationship development
  • Conflict resolution
  • Mentoring
  • Creating a team atmosphere


"In basketball there is something called a statistical Plus/Minus. It's an estimate of the player's contribution to the team's point differential when on the court. It is a statistic that measures how a player impacts the team. Eric's Plus/Minus score in ministry is off the chart!
When Eric is involved, three things happen:
1. Spiritual leadership is modeled,
2. Trust is present, and
3. Transformation and challenging changes are possible."

Mike W.

Before each session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I'm unhappy with our coaching relationship?

If you are unsatisfied with your coaching, simply let us know. Together, we will assess if we move forward or end the coaching. Since you pay as you go, you determine any future coaching sessions.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you should have received further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment. If not, simply email [email protected] and let us know.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! Coaching is set up one session at a time based on your need. After our initial coaching session you can submit another coaching request in the same way. Simply purchase the coaching again each time you want a session.